10 Quotes from David Grohl
01 - I love to make music. So why should I take risks with something like drugs?
02 - When Kurt died, I was devastated. I was him. The music that I devoted my whole life to had betrayed me. I lost my voice. I hid the drums. It was unbearable for me to hear any voice singing even about pain, even about joy.
03 - I can understand those people who were outraged by my decision to continue to make music, but stopping it would be very difficult.
04 - If there is one thing that I am good at, it is to bring people together to do something which is fun.
05 - The last thing a drummer says before he's kicked out of the group? "Hey, why don't we play the songs I wrote?"
06 - This is one of the great things in music: you can sing a song for 85,000 people, and they will love it for 85,000 different reasons.
07 - Listening to current music, I just hear Pro Tools and drums which sound like a machine. It sucks life out of music.
08 - A broken heart helps to write great songs. However, like alcohol, the hangover is also good for music.
09 - If not for The Beatles, I would not be a musician. One generation replaces another, but The Beatles remain the most important rock band of all time.
10 - Heavy metal would not have appeared if it had not been for Led Zeppelin. And if it appeared, he would have completely sucked.